Cape Coral Economic Development Strategic Plan

Task 6 Report

Existing Business Development

6.a Business Retention and Expansion Roundtables

For some economic development organizations, Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) is the central role they play. Some years ago, DCG Corplan was retained to identify a new location for a medical services firm that was leaving Cape Coral. The company felt that entry workers were not adequately prepared for work and more seasoned workers had a poor work attitude. The company also noted the lack of higher educational or on-the-job training opportunities.

It is important that the OEBD recognize that many businesses simply may be unaware of BR&E incentives or programs available. This is a common problem in communities across the US.

We scheduled two business meeting “roundtables” in different parts of the City oriented at bringing more awareness of available governmental assistance to the business community. While segmenting the meetings geographically might have made travel more convenient for local employers, we determined that dividing the business community into “Goods-Producing” and “Services-Producing” sectors would produce better results for the work. The meetings were scheduled for April 2 and April 3 to be held at the two Cape Coral libraries. Event details were as follows:

  • Goods-Producing

    Tuesday, April 2 – Northwest Regional Library
    519 Chiquita Blvd N
    Rm A (NW)
    6:00PM – 7:15PM

    • Construction
    • Manufacturing
    • Repair & Maintenance
    • Real estate
    • Warehousing & Storage
    • Transportation
  • Services Producing

    Wednesday, April 3 – Cape Coral Public Library
    921 SW 39th Terrace
    Meeting Room CC)
    6:00PM – 7:15PM

    • Professional/business/finance
    • Retail
    • Education
    • Healthcare
    • Food Services
    • Hospitality
    • Arts/Entertainment/Amusement

Through coordination with the City, we obtained email addresses for 54 Goods-producing businesses, and 71 Services-producers. Realizing that this was too small an audience, we engaged a commercial service to (RocketReach) to provide us with about 2,500 additional contacts. We combined both lists and send email invitations to the meetings to 1,007 Goods-producers and 1,290 Service-producers.

BR&E Roundatble Meetings photos

Handouts Prepared for Meetings


Meetings attendance was light but productive. Refer to Task 6 Report Appendices for Agenda and Summary.

Tuesday April 2 - Goods-Producing Industries Discussion Topics

  • Service Producing
    • Commercial Real Estate and Development Challenges
    • Economic Growth and Investment Opportunities
    • Workforce Development and Training
    • Manufacturing and Industrial Development
    • Community Planning and Participation
    • Government and Taxation
    • Cultural and Social Factors
    • Urban Development and Demographic Changes
    • Political Influence and Community Engagement

Wednesday April 3 - Services-Producing Industries Discussion Topics

  • Services Producing
    • Urban and Community Planning
    • Transportation and Infrastructure
    • Housing and Real Estate
    • Economic Development and Business Growth
    • Environmental Concerns and Recreational Planning
    • Community Services and Amenities
    • Educational Facilities and Opportunities
    • Tourism and Marketing
    • Political Influence and Community Engagement

Focus group discussions emphasized the need to adapt to demographic changes and evolving work trends with supportive infrastructures, such as enhanced business environments, improved training facilities, and streamlined governmental processes. There is a strong call for a community-driven approach to foster a conducive environment for both current residents and future economic prospects.

6.b Employer Survey

  • Employer Survey
    • was engaged to host new employer input survey. Ten questions were posed; Nine were multiple-choice, the tenth was an essay-type
    • Email invitations were sent to over 6,800 addresses plus the City provided social media support
    • Publish date: 4/15/24
    • Closure date: 5/3/24
    • Total respones: 162
  • Q1: How long has your business been operating in Cape Coral?
    -- Less than 1 year
    -- 1 to 5 yrs
    -- 6 to 10 years
    -- Over 10 years
  • Leading Reponse: Ten years

  • Q2: What is the primary industry of your business?
    -- Hospitality
    -- Retail
    -- Healthcare
    -- Construction
    -- Manufacturing
    -- Education
    -- Finance
    -- Professional/Busines
    -- Other
  • Leading Reponse: Other Services, Professional/business, Construction

  • Q3: How many employees do you currently have?
    -- 1 to 10
    -- 11 to 50
    -- 51 to 200
    -- 201 to 500
    -- Over 500
  • Leading Reponse: 1 to 10

  • Q4: Are the majority of job applicants ready for work, or do they require training?
    -- Ready for work
    -- Minor job training needed
    -- Extensive general job training needed
    -- Specilazed job training needed
    -- Other
  • Leading Reponse: Minor job training needed

  • Q5: What are the most sought after job aspects new applicants have when seeking employment? (Please select up to three)
    -- Interesting job/highly regarded job
    -- Earn a lot of money
    -- Good benefits
    -- Steady job/employment security
    -- Good promotion prospects/career path
    -- Have a role in decison-making
    -- A lot of vacation time
    -- Work independently/without supervision
    -- Work from home
    -- Opportunity for travel
    -- Other
  • Leading Reponse: Steady job/employment security, Earn a lot of money, Good benefits

  • Q6: Would you be interested in government-sponsored training programs to enhance the skills of your workforce?
    -- Yes
    -- No
    -- Maybe
  • Leading Reponse: No (But combined Yes and Maybe was a larger total)

  • Q7: What are the top three challenges your business is currently facing? (Please select up to three)
    -- Hiring skilled employees
    -- Access to financing
    -- High operational costs
    -- Marketing and customer acquisition
    -- Regulatory compliance
    -- Other
  • Leading Reponses: Hiring skilled employees, High operational costs, Marketing and customer acquisition

  • Q8: Which of the following government incentives would be most beneficial for your business? (Please select up to three)
    -- Tax breaks or credits
    -- Subsidized training programs for employees
    -- Grants for small businesses
    -- Infrastructure improvements
    -- Reduced bureaucracy and faster permit processes
  • Leading Reponses: Tax breaks or credits, Reduced bureaucracy and faster permit processes, Grants for small businesses

  • Q9: How valuable would partnerships between your business and local educational institutions (e.g., colleges, trade schools) be for your workforce development needs?
    -- Very valuable
    -- Somewhat valuable
    -- Neutral
    -- Not very valuable
    -- Not at all valuable
  • Leading Reponse: Somewhat valuable

  • Q10: What specific government actions or policies would assist your business in achieving greater success?
  • Summary of Reponses: 

    The 94 written responses were varied and can be summarized as folowing into the following topics:

    • Affordable workforce housing
    • Better waterway access
    • Code enforcement
    • Easier access to capital
    • Government contracting opportunities
    • Government transparency
    • Incentivizing flex warehouse development
    • Incentivizing manufacturing
    • Low interest loans for start-ups
    • Lower business taxes
    • Partnerships with city processes
    • Permit expediting
    • Property and flood insurance premium assistance
    • Reduction of licensing fees
    • Regulatory reduction
    • Small business development grants
    • Street beautification
    • Supply chain improvements
    • Upgraded infrastructure
    • Vocational training silos for the trades

The Employer Survey is contained in the Task 6 Report Appendices.

6.c BR&E On-Line Webinar

The On-Line Webinar will be postponed until after the draft final report is presented. We feel that input from the Cape Coral City Council on the findings of this report and discussions of the strategic recommendations therein will be needed before introducing employer guidance via the online webinar.

6.d Task 6 Progress Report/video conference